Summary of some of the most widely used databases for the investigation of miRNA sponge interactions
Database | Type of data | Description | Ref | URL |
CeRDB | Predicted | One of the earliest miRNA sponge interaction databases, finds miRNA sponges for a specific target mRNA based on the homology of miRNA binding sites | [192] | |
DIANA-TarBase v.8 | Validated | Aims to provide hundreds of thousands of high-quality manually curated experimentally validated miRNA: gene interactions, enhanced with detailed meta-data | [193] | |
DIANA-microT | Predicted | Web server dedicated to miRNA target prediction/functional analysis | [194] | |
ENCORI | Validated | Previously known as starBase v2.0, identifies millions of RBP-RNA and RRIs by analyzing thousands of CLIP-seq and various high-throughput sequencing data, studying their functions and mechanisms in human diseases | [172] | |
LncACTdb v3.0 | Predicted | A comprehensive database of experimentally supported interactions among ceRNAs and the corresponding personalized networks contributing to precision medicine | [195] | |
LnCeCell | Predicted and validated | Provides functional lncRNA-related miRNA sponge interaction networks in single cells and sub-cellular locations curated from the published literature and high-throughput datasets | [196] | |
LnCeVar | Predicted and validated | Database collecting genomic variations that disturb lncRNA-related miRNA sponge regulation curated from the published literature and high-throughput datasets across 33 human cancers | [197] | |
miRanda | Predicted | Algorithm for finding genomic targets for miRNAs, written in C and available as an open-source method | [168] | |
miRcode | Predicted | Provides “whole transcriptome” human microRNA target predictions based on the comprehensive GENCODE gene annotation | [198] | |
miRTarBase | Validated | Database providing information about experimentally validated miRNA-target interactions | [199] | |
miRTissuece | Predicted | Web service for the analysis and characterization of miRNA sponge interactions in several cancer tissue types | [200] | |
miRWalk | Validated | A comprehensive archive supplying the largest available collection of predicted and experimentally verified miRNA-target interactions | [201] | |
Pan-ceRNADB | Predicted | Investigates mRNA-related miRNA sponge interactions across 20 major human cancers | [177] | |
PicTar | Predicted | An algorithm for the identification of miRNA targets | [202] | |
PITA | Predicted | An algorithm using standard settings to identify initial seeds for each miRNA in 3’ UTRs | [203] | |
RNA22 | Predicted | A method for identifying miRNA binding sites and their corresponding heteroduplexes | [204] | |
SomamiR | Predicted | Database of cancer somatic mutations that potentially alter the interactions between miRNAs and miRNA sponges | [205] | |
TargetScan | Predicted | Prediction of miRNA target sites conserved among orthologous 3’-UTRs of vertebrates | [206] | |
VECTOR | Predicted and validated | An interactive tool that identifies and visualizes the relationships among RNA molecules associated with ChiP-seq data and expression data of miRNAs, lncRNAs, and mRNAs both in UM and physiological tissues | [207] | |
CeRDB: Competitive Endogenous mRNA DataBase; Pan-ceRNADB: Pan-cancer associated ceRNA database; ChiP-seq: chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing; VECTOR: uVeal mElanoma Correlation NeTwORk; UM: uveal melanoma
The authors thank the Scientific Bureau of the University of Catania for language support.
CB: Conceptualization, Writing—original draft, Writing—review & editing. MS: Writing—original draft, Writing—review & editing. CF, AC, RB, DB, and CDP: Writing—review & editing. MR: Conceptualization, Supervision, Writing—review & editing.
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
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Not applicable.
This study was supported by “linea intervento 3 Open Access Piano PIACERI 2020‐2022” from the University of Catania. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
© The Author(s) 2023.