Protein kinases and their general functions

KinasesFunction in the heartActivation mechanismCommon heart problemsAlteration of protein kinase function
PKARegulates cation channels, intracellular Ca2+ handling, and contractility [21]Activated by β-adrenergic receptor signaling and cAMP production [22]Heart failure, arrhythmiasProlonged activation due to sympathetic nervous system activity; can contribute to cardiac dysfunction [22]
PKCRegulates cation channels, contractility, and gene expression [23]Activated by various signaling molecules such as AngII [24]Heart failure, arrhythmias, cardiomyopathyIncreased activation due to various signaling molecules such as AngII; can contribute to cardiac dysfunction [25]
PI3KsRegulates cardiac hypertrophy, angiogenesis, and glucose metabolism [26]Signaling molecules including growth factors and cytokines [26]Coronary artery disease, heart failure, cardiomyopathyIncreased activation due to various signaling molecules such as growth factors and cytokines; can contribute to cardiac dysfunction [27]
MAPKsRegulates cardiac hypertrophy, inflammation, and apoptosis [28]Activated by various signaling molecules including growth factors and cytokines [29]Coronary artery disease, heart failure, cardiomyopathyIncreased activation due to various signaling molecules such as oxidative stress and inflammation; can contribute to cardiac dysfunction [30]
CaMKIIRegulates ion channels, intracellular Ca2+ handling, and gene expression [31] Activated by increases in intracellular Ca2+ levels [32]Heart failure, arrhythmias, myocardial infarctionIncreased activation due to various signaling molecules such as β-adrenergic receptor signaling and changes in intracellular Ca2+ levels; can contribute to cardiac dysfunction and arrhythmias [33]

cAMP: cyclic adenosine monophosphate