Pathologies of the heart and how protein kinases are involved

AilmentMechanism of heart dysregulationProtein kinases affectedDrug effects on protein kinasesHeart problem alleviation
Heart failureImpaired contractility, Ca2+ handling, and gene expression [34]PKA, PKC, CaMKII [34]Inhibition of protein kinases [35]Improved contractility and relaxation, reduced heart rate and blood pressure [36, 37]
Ischemic heart diseaseReduced blood flow to the heart, oxidative stress, and inflammation [38]PKC [39]Vasodilation, reduced oxygen demand [40]Improved blood flow and decreased ischemia-induced damage [41]
AtherosclerosisPlaque buildup in arteries, inflammation, and oxidative stress [39]PKC, MAPKs, NF-κB [11]Lowering of cholesterol and lipid levels, anti-inflammatory effects [41]Improved endothelial function [11]
ArrhythmiasAbnormal heart rhythms and altered ion channel function [40]PKA, PKC, CaMKII [34]Inhibition of protein kinases [35]Improved ion channel function and rhythm control [40]
Diabetic cardiomyopathyAltered glucose and lipid metabolism, and oxidative stress [41]PKC, Akt, PKD [41]Improved glucose and lipid metabolism, reduced oxidative stress [41]Improved cardiac function [41]
HypertensionHigh blood pressure and increased cardiac workload [38]PKC, CaMKII [11]Inhibition of protein kinases, reduced cardiac workload and blood pressure [11]Reduced blood pressure, improved cardiac function [11]

NF-κB: nuclear factor kappa B; Akt: protein kinase B; PKD: protein kinase D