Summary of the recently published studies about the EGFR TK anticancer drugs-loaded Nanoparticulate formulations for the treatment of LC

Sr. No. DrugNanoparticle formulationAim/DescriptionYearRef
1AfatinibLiposomeLPN modified with FD7 or CCD as a delivery platform was explored to enhance afatinib delivery across the BBB model of mouse brain-derived endothelial bEnd.3 cells.2021[63]
2OsimertinibLiposome vesicleLiposome-based delivery of OSI can provide a new formulation of the drug that can be administered via alternative delivery routes (intravenous, inhalation).2020[64]
3GefitinibLiposomeGefitinib encapsulation based on nano liposome for enhancing curative effect of lung cancer2020[65]
4GefitinibSLNPreparation and evaluation of inhalable dry powder containing glucosamine-conjugated gefitinib SLNs for lung cancer therapy2020[66]
5GefitinibLiposomeLiposomal gefitinib dry powder inhalers (LGDs) were prepared using the injection-lyophilization method2020[67]
6AfatinibLuminescence nanoparticlesNext-generation cancer-specific hybrid theranostic nanomaterials: MAGE-A3 NIR persistent luminescence nanoparticles conjugated to afatinib for in situ suppression of lung adenocarcinoma growth and metastasis2020[68]
8ErlotinibSLNCo-encapsulated nanoparticles of Erlotinib and Quercetin for targeting lung cancer through nuclear EGFR and PI3K/AKT inhibition2022[69]
9ErlotinibMesoporous silica nanoparticleInjectable thermosensitive hydrogel containing erlotinib-loaded hollow mesoporous silica nanoparticles as a localized drug delivery system for NSCLC therapy2020[70]

LPN: lipid polymeric nanoparticle; BBB: blood brain barrier; SLN: solid lipid nanoparticle; EGFR: epidermal growth factor receptor; NSCLC: non-small cell lung cancer