Ablation experiments on loss functions

DatasetBase loss functionDSC↑SE↑SP↑ACC↑
ISIC2017BCE loss (A)0.91300.88780.98670.9680
Dice loss (B)0.91520.90080.98140.9681
Square Dice loss (C)0.91550.90510.98310.9684
A + B0.91470.90780.98200.9680
A + C0.91580.90100.98580.9677
B + C0.91010.88540.98590.9669
A + B + C (our proposed)0.91600.90890.98680.9690

ISIC: International Skin Imaging Collaboration; BCE: Binary Cross-Entropy; DSC: Dice Similarity Coefficient; SE: sensitivity; SP: specificity; ACC: accuracy. ↑: the higher the value, the better the performance