Factors associated with PD: severity

John et al. [29], 2021Mild severity2.90 ± 0.811.44 ± 0.387.24 ± 4.062.2%23.9%-
  • ↑ BOP associated with rigidity, tremor, and depressive state

  • ↑ Plaque, bleeding associated with rigidity and tremor tremors in the upper limbs

Moderate severity3.77 ± 0.521.82 ± 0.259.43 ± 5.682.0%16.80%-
Pradeep et al. [31], 2015Control group---20.37 ± 6.401.35 ± 0.610.55 ± 0.48-
I H&Y stage---33.36 ± 6.682.17 ± 0.461.24 ± 0.47
II H&Y stage---37.50 ± 4.382.31 ± 0.791.34 ± 0.36
III H&Y stage---48.60 ± 5.782.77 ± 0.741.92 ± 0.46
van Stiphout et al. [35], 2018-------
  • Need for daily support associated with illness severity

  • ↑ Number of teeth with decay associated with disease severity

  • ↑ Number of teeth with conservative treatment associated with disease severity

DMFT: decayed, missing, filled teeth; OHI: oral hygiene index; MGI: modified gingival index; GI: gingivitis index; BoP: bleeding on probing; H&Y: Hoehn & Yahr stage; PI: plaque index; ↑: increase; PD: Parkinson’s disease. Specific parameters are expressed in % or mean ± SD (standard deviation), depending on the study