Current medications in the study groups

(n = 1,072)
(n = 79)
Medication overview, mean (SD)
Number of prescribed daily antihypertensive pills2.26 (1.2)2.65 (1.4)0.006
Number of prescribed antihypertensive agents2.89 (0.9)3.10 (1.1)0.058
Number of prescribed concomitant pills2.46 (2.4)2.65 (3.2)0.499
Total number of prescribed daily pillsa4.71 (2.9)5.29 (3.8)0.099
Antihypertensive medications, n (%)
ACEis147 (13.7)19 (24.1)0.012
ACEi single-agent drug86 (8.0)14 (17.7)0.006
ACEi combination with hydrochlorothiazide51 (4.8)4 (5.1)0.787
ACEi combination with CCB10 (0.9)1 (1.3)0.544
ARBs894 (83.4)58 (73.4)0.024
ARB single-agent drug242 (22.6)19 (24.1)0.762
ARB combination with hydrochlorothiazide427 (39.8)22 (27.8)0.035
ARB combination with CCB81 (7.6)7 (8.9)0.660
ARB triple combination (ARB + CCB + thiazide)144 (13.4)10 (12.7)0.863
CCBs740 (69.0)64 (81.0)0.025
CCB single-agent drug505 (47.1)46 (58.2)0.056
Diureticsb694 (64.7)41 (51.9)0.022
Aldosterone antagonists57 (5.3)6 (7.6)0.390
Beta-blockers388 (36.2)33 (41.8)0.321
Alpha-adrenoreceptor blockers36 (3.4)5 (6.3)0.169
Centrally acting sympathicolytics47 (4.4)4 (5.1)0.777
Antihypertensive agents in single-agent or combination pills, n (%)
Only single-agent pills348 (32.5)34 (43.0)0.054
Only 1 antihypertensive pill296 (27.6)11 (13.9)0.008
Fixed-dose combination pill, one or more724 (67.5)45 (57.0)0.054
Triple combination pill144 (13.4)10 (12.7)0.863
Selected concomitant medications, n (%)
Lipid-lowering drugsc523 (48.8)36 (45.6)0.763
Anti-diabetic drugsd167 (15.6)12 (15.2)0.972
Anti-coagulantse386 (36.0)31 (39.2)0.391

Results are reported as n (%) or mean (SD), p-value denotes differences between the adherent and the non-adherent group. SD: standard deviation; ACEis: angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors; CCB: calcium channel blocker; ARBs: angiotensin receptor blockers. a All antihypertensive pills + all concomitant pills; b diuretics include loop diuretics and thiazides; c lipid-lowering drugs include all cholesterol-lowering drugs; d antidiabetic drugs include oral antidiabetics and insulin; e anticoagulants include antiplatelet drugs and direct oral anticoagulants