Association between COVID-19 illness severities with characteristics of the study sample

AgeMean ± SD33.00 ± 12.4638.70 ± 14.6333.83 ± 12.6939.99 ± 14.9633.05 ± 12.4339.16 ± 14.72
p-value< 0.0001*< 0.0001*< 0.0001*
Gender: n (%)Males101 (28.8%)250 (71.2%)169 (48.1%)182 (51.9%)134 (38.2%)217 (61.8%)
Females117 (24.6%)358 (75.4%)206 (43.4%)269 (56.6%)132 (27.8%)343 (72.2%)
Smoking: n (%)No200 (28.6%)499 (71.4%)338 (48.4%)361 (51.6%)240 (34.3%)459 (65.7%)
Yes18 (14.2%)109 (85.8%)37 (29.1%)90 (70.9%)26 (20.5%)101 (79.5%)
p-value0.001*< 0.0001*0.002*
Medical condition: n (%)No185 (29.0%)454 (71.0%)314 (49.1%)325 (50.9%)229 (35.8%)410 (64.2%)
Yes33 (17.6%)154 (82.4%)61 (32.6%)126 (67.4%)37 (19.8%)150 (80.2%)
p-value0.002*< 0.0001*< 0.0001*
Long-term medication: n (%)No172 (29.0%)421 (71.0%)295 (49.7%)298 (50.3%)216 (36.4%)377 (63.6%)
Yes46 (19.7%)187 (80.3%)80 (34.3%)153 (65.7%)50 (21.5%)183 (78.5%)
p-value0.007*< 0.0001*< 0.0001*
Severity of confirmed COVID-19 illness: n (%)Mild120 (54.1%)102 (45.9%)162 (73.0%)60 (27.0%)124 (55.9%)98 (44.1%)
Moderate91 (21.3%)337 (78.7%)186 (43.5%)242 (56.5%)128 (29.9%)300 (70.1%)
Severe7 (5.8%)114 (94.2%)25 (20.7%)96 (79.3%)14 (11.6%)107 (88.4%)
Critical0 (0%)55 (100%)2 (3.6%)53 (96.4%)0 (0%)55 (100%)
p-value< 0.0001*< 0.0001*< 0.0001*
Time passed since recovery: n (%)< 6 months44 (44.4%)55 (55.6%)74 (74.7%)25 (25.3%)57 (57.6%)42 (42.4%)
6 months91 (38.1%)148 (61.9%)137 (57.3%)102 (42.7%)93 (38.9%)146 (61.1%)
1 year27 (19.3%)113 (80.7%)58 (41.4%)82 (58.6%)41 (29.3%)99 (70.7%)
2 years40 (20.9%)151 (79.1%)74 (38.7%)117 (61.3%)46 (24.1%)145 (75.9%)
3 years16 (10.2%)141 (89.8%)32 (20.4%)125 (79.6%)29 (18.5%)128 (81.5%)
p-value< 0.0001*< 0.0001*< 0.0001*

* Statistically significant difference at p-value < 0.05