Correlations between cough assessment scores and spirometric parameters, indicators of nasal respiratory function, indicators of SNOT-22, and anthropometric parameters (all, n = 122)

ParametersCough (scores)
z FVC–0.060.516
z FEV1–0.230.012
z FEV1/FVC–0.210.023
Change of FEV1 in tests with bronchodilator, n = 500.430.002
PNIF, L/min–0.110.239
PNIF/FVC (without children with polyps in the cavity of the nasal passages), n =114–0.180.056
Eosinophils, 109/L0.270.004
Total IgE, ME/mL0.150.150
SNOT-22, score0.45< 0.001
Postnasal discharge, score0.43< 0.001

PNIF: peak nasal inspiratory flow; FVC: forced vital capacity of the lungs; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in the first second; SNOT-22: Sinonasal Outcome Test-22; IgE: immunoglobulin E