Molecular and cellular basis of pharmacological interventions of AVP-D and AVP-R
Pharmacological intervention
Mechanism of action
AVP replacement (desmopressin)
Mimics AVP function at V2 receptors, activating the cAMP-PKA pathway, leading to the mobilization of AQP-2 channels, allowing water reabsorption in the kidneys.
Indirectly increase water reabsorption by altering sodium handling in the nephron, which reduces the load on the distal tubules where AVP usually exerts its effects.
Blocks ENaC channels, preventing lithium-induced damage to the AVP signaling pathway, thereby preserving AQP-2 channel activity and promoting water reabsorption.
Inhibit prostaglandin synthesis, which reduces the antagonistic effect of prostaglandins on AVP, enhancing the hormone’s water-conserving action in the kidneys.
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