- Multifaceted role in viral replication and transcription.- Influences other critical processes.- Can either activate or repress viral gene expression.
- Translated as an E1^E4 fusion protein.- Leucine cluster motif is crucial for keratin binding.- C-terminus facilitates self-association, forming structures reminiscent of amyloid fibers.- Plays a pivotal role in regulating the cytokeratin network to aid viral release and dissemination.
- Significant in HPV-mediated carcinogenesis.- Supports cellular hyperproliferation and cancer progression in both high-risk (HR-HPV) and low-risk (low-riskHPV) forms.- Influences E6 and E7 activities.
- Relatively large (18 kDa).- Contains two zinc finger domains.- Primarily found in the nucleus.- Orchestrates the transformation of normal cells into malignant ones, significantly contributing to cervical carcinogenesis.
- Approximately 100 amino acids long.- Comprises three conserved regions (CR1, CR2, and CR3).- A key player in cervical carcinogenesis through interactions with various host factors.
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