Timetable of radiological imaging and biopsy reports over the time from disease detection

17/03/2022Breast USDense glandular tissue, fibrocystic mastopathy. Suspicious left axillary lymph node (22 × 20 mm).
18/03/2022MammographyDense parenchyma with nodular aspects, no pathological calcifications. Axillary lymph nodes present.
07/04/2022Axillary core biopsyPoorly differentiated carcinoma with squamous features.
19/04/2022Breast MRILarge heterogeneous lesion in left breast (> 42 mm), enlarged left axillary lymph node (> 45 mm), BIRADS 5.
19/04/2022Full-body CT scanEnlarged left axillary lymph nodes, small liver and ovarian cysts, mild left pleural effusion.
18/05/2022PET scanPathological hyperaccumulation in left breast (SUVmax 6.3), bilateral lymph node involvement. Indeterminate pelvic lesion.
20/05/2022Abdomen USHepatomegaly with small angioma (5 mm), distended gallbladder, no peritoneal fluid.
01/06/2022Mammary and axillary biopsyHigh-grade invasive carcinoma (ER/PR/HER2, Ki-67 40%). Lymph node involvement confirmed.
14/08/2022–06/03/2023Neoadjuvant chemotherapyCarboplatin/paclitaxel + pembrolizumab (12 cycles), followed by epirubicin/cyclophosphamide + pembrolizumab (4 cycles).
12/12/2022MammographyReduction in left breast mass (19 mm vs 33 mm), persistent axillary lymphadenopathy.
09/12/2022Full-body CT scanStable mammary and lymph node lesions. Ascending aortic aneurysm (42 mm).
13/03/2023Abdomen USSmall gallbladder adenomyoma (5 mm).
14/03/2023Breast USLeft fibroadenoma (15 mm), reactive axillary lymphadenopathy bilaterally.
27/03/2023PET scanStable left breast lesion improved axillary lymph nodes.
29/03/2023Breast MRIPersistent left breast nodules (12 mm vs 15 mm), BIRADS 6.
14/04/2023Left total mastectomy and axillary dissectionFibrocystic changes. Negative margins. 10 lymph nodes disease-free. Pathological stage: ypT0N0.
29/06/2023–18/07/2023Radiotherapy42.56 Gy to left breast, supraclavicular/subclavian nodes, and internal mammary chain. Mild skin toxicity (G1).
14/10/2023Breast USPost-mastectomy changes. Right breast with cystic and dysplastic nodules. Normal lymph nodes.
24/10/2023Full-body CT scanMild pulmonary changes, left mastectomy without recurrence, hepatomegaly.

US: ultrasound; BIRADS: breast imaging reporting and data system