Main clinical characteristics among the examined patient groups

ParameterMain group (n = 32)Comparison group (n = 20)Significance of differences, p
Age (years), Me (25%; 75%)64 (42; 65)57 (48; 65)0.31
Males, n (%)62.5%60.0%0.56
Females, n (%)37.5%40.0%0.52
Height (cm), Me (25%; 75%)170 (164; 176)170 (166; 172)0.83
Body weight (kg), Me (25%; 75%)83 (75; 93)87 (80; 95)0.59
BMI (kg/m2), Me (25%; 75%)28.4 (25.20; 32.39)30.1 (27.68; 33.25)0.59
CHF, II FC according to NYHA, n (%)80.6%78.3%0.83
CHF, III FC according to NYHA, n (%)19.4%21.7%0.83

BMI: body mass index; CHF: chronic heart failure; FC: functional class; NYHA: New York Heart Association; n: number; Me (LQ; UQ): data presented as median with low and upper quartiles