Inter-rater reliability for fixed prosthesis

Cohen’s weighted kappa
RatingsWeighted kappaaAsymptotic95% Asymptotic confidence interval
Standard errorbzcSig.Lower boundUpper bound
observer 1–observer 20.8780.02122.444< 0.0010.8370.918
observer 1–observer 30.8660.02222.178< 0.0010.8230.909
observer 1–observer 40.8940.02023.123< 0.0010.8550.934
observer 1–AI0.9060.01923.347< 0.0010.8680.944
observer 2–observer 30.9220.01723.318< 0.0010.8880.956
observer 2–observer 40.9200.01723.550< 0.0010.8860.954
observer 2–AI0.9430.01524.197< 0.0010.9130.974
observer 3–observer 40.9350.01523.894< 0.0010.9060.963
observer 3–AI0.9390.01424.141< 0.0010.9120.966
observer 4–AI0.9590.01224.725< 0.0010.9350.983

a The estimation of the weighted kappa uses linear weights; b value does not depend on either null or alternative hypotheses; c estimates the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis that weighted kappa is zero. Sig: significance