Showing inter-rater reliability for caries

Cohen’s weighted kappa
RatingsWeighted kappaaAsymptotic95% Asymptotic confidence interval
Standard errorbzcSig.Lower boundUpper bound
observer 1–observer 20.8440.01624.649< 0.0010.8140.875
observer 1–observer 30.7840.01922.818< 0.0010.7470.821
observer 1–observer 40.8380.01724.389< 0.0010.8040.872
observer 1–AI0.9030.01326.418< 0.0010.8770.928
observer 2–observer 30.7890.02022.862< 0.0010.7500.827
observer 2–observer 40.8210.01923.726< 0.0010.7840.858
observer 2–AI0.9030.01326.217< 0.0010.8770.928
observer 3–observer 40.7870.01922.617< 0.0010.7480.825
observer 3–AI0.8450.01824.510< 0.0010.8080.881
observer 4–AI0.8840.01625.381< 0.0010.8530.916

a The estimation of the weighted kappa uses linear weights; b value does not depend on either null or alternative hypotheses; c estimates the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis that weighted kappa is zero. Sig: significance