Summary of various treatment modalities utilized for patients with COVID-19 infection complicated with aortic thrombus and overall outcomes

Treatment modalityFavorable outcomeUnknown outcomeMortality
Anticoagulation only (n = 14, 32.5%)57% (n = 8)7% (n = 1)35% (n = 5)
Anticoagulation with antiplatelet therapy (n = 3, 6.9%)100% (n = 3)0%0%
Medical management (not reported specifically) (n = 7, 16.2%)42% (n = 3)28% (n = 2)28% (n = 2)
Systemic thrombolysis (n = 2, 4.6%)50% (n = 1)50% (n = 1)n = 0
Surgical thrombectomy (n = 9, 20.9%)77.7% (n = 7)n = 022.3% (n = 2)
Axillobifemoral bypass surgery (n = 2)50% (n =1)n = 050% (n = 1)
Catheter directed thrombolysis (n = 2, 4.6%)50% (n = 1)50% (n = 1)n = 0
Endovascular thrombectomy (n = 1, 2.3%)n = 0100% (n = 1)n = 0
Catheter directed thrombolysis with surgical thrombectomy (n = 1, 2.3%)100% (n = 1)n = 0n = 0
Systemic thrombolysis with surgical thrombectomy (n = 1, 2.3%)n = 0n = 0100% (n = 1)