Participants’ answers to the Delphi DOLBaPP questionnaire

QuestionsnProportion (%)
In the last four weeks, have you had pain in your lower back (in the area shown on the diagram)? Please do not take into account pain caused by menstruation or by an illness accompanied by fever.
If yes, was this pain bad enough to limit your usual activities or change your daily routine for more than one day?
In the last four weeks, have you had pain that goes down the leg?
If yes, has this pain gone below the knee?
If you had pain in your lower back in the last four weeks, how often did you have the pain?
  Some days3073.2
  Most of the days717.1
  Every day49.8
If you had low back pain in the last four weeks, how long was it since you had a whole month without any low back pain?
  Less than three months1946.3
  Three months or more, but less than seven months717.1
  Seven months or more, but less than three years614.6
  Three years or more922.0
If you had low back pain in the last four weeks, please indicate what was the usual intensity of your pain on a scale of zero to 10, where 0 means “no pain” and 10 means “the worst pain imaginable”.
  ≤ 32460.0
  4 to 61435.0
  ≥ 725.0