List of data sources and tools useful in VS approaches applicable to COVID-19
Database and resources | Pre-treatment tools | Docking tools | MD tools | Analytics Platforms |
DUD-E web server (useful docking decoys) | OpenBabel/Pybel (package for creating or converting different ligand/protein types) | PyRx (python package) for VS of libraries of compounds against potential drug targets | GROMACS | KNIME (broad range of free/commercial packages for analysis) |
SWEETLEAD (database of curated chemicals) | ProTox (virtual lab for the prediction of toxicities of small molecules) | AutoDock Vina (C++/C) | AMBER, a suite of biomolecular simulation programs, (MM-PBSA and MM-GBSA for clusters/GPUs) | Molinspiration (broad range of cheminformatics software tools) |
ChEMBL (curated database of bioactive molecules with drug-like properties) | LigandScout (generates 3D pharmacophore models for VS) | Autodock (C++/C) | SimpleRun (equilibrate protein-ligand complex and produce MD simulation) | PlayMolecule (one-clink molecular discovery) |
SuperDRUG2 (resource for approved/marketed drugs) | PlayMolecule (preparation of protein for MD simulations) | rDock (ANSI C++) | Desmond from Schrödinger | ChemBioServer 2.0 (filtering, clustering, and VS) |
DrugBank (information on drugs and drug targets) | LigPrep from Schrödinger | YASARA (AutoDock/Autodock Vina) | Schrodinger’s MD | Weka Software (Data mining: practical machine learning tools and techniques) |
GenBank (NIH genetic sequence database) | MetaPocket: (improve protein ligand binding site prediction) | GOLD (genetic optimization for ligand docking) | YASARA (GROMACS module) | ChemoInfo (cheminformatic tools and databases for pharmacology) |
LOPAC (library of pharmacologically active compounds) | Pockdrug server (druggability prediction) | MTiOpenScreen online webserver for VS | - | - |
UniProt (database of FASTA protein sequences and functional information) | AMMOS2 web service (refinement of protein–small organic molecule complexes) | iDock (VS tool) | - | - |
PubChem (large database of chemicals) | BindingDB (information on properties of ligands/targets) | FireDock (scoring of protein–protein docking solutions) | - | - |
HOMSTRAD (HOMologous STRucture Alignment Database) is a curated database of structure-based alignments for homologous protein families | ReScore (+ scoring docked positions) | MVD | - | - |
- | MedChemExpress (MCE) includes high quality inhibitors and recombinant proteins | - | - | - |
- | ASINEX’s BioDesign (with key structural features of known pharmacologically relevant natural) | - | - | - |
- | ACPYPE (or AnteChamber PYthon Parser interfacE), a ANTECHAMBER wrapper script for the generation of small molecule topologies and parameters | - | - | - |
DUD-E: Directory of Useful Decoys-Enhanced; MM-PBSA: molecular mechanics Poisson-Boltzmann surface area; MVD: Molegro Virtual Docker; 3D: three-dimensional; -: blank cell
BS: Conceptualization, Investigation, Writing—original draft, Writing—review & editing, Validation, Supervision.
The author declares that he have no conflicts of interest.
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Not applicable.
Not applicable.
© The Author(s) 2023.