CO-RADS scale and its correlation with BSTI and RSNA for the diagnosis of COVID-19

CO-RADS 0: non-interpretableNon-interpretableNon-interpretable
CO-RADS 1: normal/no infectionNegative for pneumoniaNo COVID
CO-RADS 2: pattern consistent with other infectionsAtypical pattern. Not reported for COVID-19-
CO-RADS 3: compatible with COVID-19 but present in other diseasesIndeterminate. Not COVID-19 specificIndeterminate
CO-RADS 4: suspicious of COVID-19-Probable COVID
CO-RADS 5: typical pattern of COVID-19Typical characteristicsClassic COVID
CO-RADS 6: confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis with RT-PCR--

BSTI: the BSTI statement guideline; RSNA: the RSNA expert consensus statement category; -: no correspondence in this scale