PD-L1 expression on TETs

ReferenceTMTCAntibody of PD-L1IHC staining criteria of positivityTM positivity rateTC positivity rate
Weissferdt et al. [47]74/100 (74.00%)26/100 (26.00%)Clone EPR4877MS > 5%64.00%54.00%
Arbour et al. [48]12/23 (52.17%)11/23 (47.83%)Clone E1L3NMS > 25%92.00%36.00%
Suster et al. [49]-21Clone SP142MS > 50%NA71.40%
Higuchi et al. [50]31/39 (79.50%)8/39 (20.50%)Clone 28-8MS ≥ 1%51.60%62.50%
Wei et al. [51]100/169 (59.20%)69/169 (40.80%)Clone E1L3NMS > 50%36.00%37.00%
Duan et al. [52]20/33 (60.60%)13/33 (39.40%)Clone Ab58810Intensity of staining score (1–3); median value of all scores as the cut-off value65.00%46.20%
Funaki et al. [53]-43Clone SP142MS > 50%NA60.50%
Katsuya et al. [54]101/139 (72.60%)38/139 (27.40%)Clone E1L3NH-score: score 3 [staining intensity (0–3) × % of positive cells (0–100%)]23.00%70.00%
Padda et al. [55]65/69 (94.20%)4/69 (5.80%)Clone 15Score 3 (intensity of MS 0–3)68.00%75.00%
Marchevsky et al. [56]38/46 (82.60%)8/46 (17.40%)Clone SP142MS ≥ 6%92.00%50.00%
Enkner et al. [8]37/72 (51.30%)35/72 (48.70%)Clone E1L3NH-score (cut-off value NA)89.00%53.00%
Katsuya et al. [57]12/30 (40.00%)18/30 (60.00%)Clone E1L3NScore ≥ 1 (intensity of MS 0–3)67.00%41.00%
Yokoyama et al. [58]82-Clone EPR1161Youden’s index > 38%53.70%NA
Tiseo et al. [59]87/107 (81.30%)20/107 (18.70%)Clone E1L3NH-score: score 3 (intensity of MS 0–3)18.00%65.00%
Owen et al. [60]32/35 (91.40%)3/35 (8.60%)Clone 22C3Score 1 (intensity of MS 0–5)81.00%100.00%
Hakiri et al. [61]81-Clone SP142MS ≥ 1%27.00%NA
Guleria et al. [62]84-Clone SP263MS > 25%82.00%NA
Chen et al. [63]40/70 (57.00%)30/70 (43.00%)Clone SP142MS ≥ 5%37.50%76.70%
Bagir et al. [64]38/44 (86.30%)6/44 (13.70%)Clone AM26531AF-NMS > 5%81.60%83.30%
Ishihara et al. [65]55/66 (83.30%)11/66 (16.70%)Clone SP263MS > 25%92.70%72.70%
Berardi et al. [66]63/68 (92.60%)5/68 (7.40%)Clone 28-8MS > 1%Overall: 25.00%

NA: not available; -: blank cells