Demographic characteristics of patients at baseline and follow up

ParametersBaseline (n = 59), n (%)Follow-up (n = 27), n (%)
Age in years64.3 (9.1)*
Male gender56 (94.9)
ECOG status
0–133 (55.9)18 (66.7)
2–426 (44.1)09 (33.3)
90–10020 (33.9)13 (48.1)
80 and below39 (66.1)14 (51.9)
Smoking status
Never smoker02 (3.4)
Current smoker52 (88.1)
Former smoker05 (8.5)
Smoking index551.8 (376.4)*
Comorbidities25 (42.4)
TNM stage
IIIB16 (27.1)
IIIC08 (13.6)
IVA30 (50.8)
IVB05 (8.5)
RSB score9.9 (5.8)*4.1 (4.5)*
TSB score16.9 (9.9)*8.2 (8.0)*
cfDNA detectability13 (22.0)18 (66.7)
cfDNA levels (pg/μL)77.3 (181.3)*244.3 (279.8)*
RECIST 1.1 change
PR18 (66.7)
SD05 (18.5)
PD4 (14.8)

* Data represented as mean (StdDev). Current smoker: smoked cigarettes/bidis within the last 6 months; never smoker: smoked less than 100 cigarettes in his/her lifetime; former smoker: smoked cigarettes/bidis before 6 months; KPS: Karnofsky performance scale; PR: partial response; SD: stable disease; PD: progressive disease; ECOG: Eastern Co-operative Oncology Group; TNM: tumor-nodes-metastasis; RSB: respiratory symptom burden; TSB: total symptom burden; cfDNA: cell free DNA; RECIST: response evaluation criteria in solid tumours