Summary of studies involving NSCLC patients in whom cfDNA testing was done

AuthorsNStage/HistologyTreatmentcfDNA baselinecfDNA post treatmentSurvival reportedcfDNA association
Gautschi et al. [1]185All (34% stage III; 56% stage IV), all NSCLC (26% sqCC)Chemotherapy (n = 127; 69%)YesYesMedian OS = 7.1 monthA/w poor OS (inconsistent C/w RR)
Kumar et al. [3]42III–IV (45% stage IV), all NSCLC (74% sqCC)ChemotherapyYesYesMedian OS = 12.0 month (for patients receiving ≥ 3 cycles)Inconsistent A/w OS (C/w RR)
Li et al. [5]103IIIB–IV, all NSCLC (16% sqCC)Chemotherapy and/or tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI, n = 86; 83%)YesYesOS and PFS (median values not reported)No A/w PFS & OS (also no C/w RR)
Soliman et al. [18]60All (31% stage III; 53% stage IV), all NSCLC (< 33% sqCC)Observation (chemotherapy in 2; 3%)YesNoOS (median values not reported)A/w poor OS
Hyun et al. [20]112All stage IV, all adenocarcinomaChemotherapyYesYesMedian OS = 22.2 month and median PFS = 7.6 monthA/w poor PFS & OS (no C/w RR)
Nygaard et al. [21]53III–IV (68% stage IV), all NSCLC (36% sqCC)ChemotherapyYesNoMedian OS = 15.7 month and median PFS = 5.9 monthA/w poor OS but not PFS
Pontes et al. [23]38All (26% stage III; 37% stage IV), all NSCLC (53% sqCC)Not definedYesNoOS (median values not reported)No A/w OS
Santos et al. [24]31III–IV, all NSCLC (39% sqCC)ChemotherapyYesYesNot definedNo C/w RR
Coco et al. [29]73All stage IV, all NSCLC (19% sqCC)ChemotherapyYesNoMedian OS = 8.0 month and median PFS = 4.7 monthA/w poor OS (inconsistent C/w RR)
Tissot et al. [30]218IIIB/IV (81% stage IV), all NSCLC (20% sqCC)ChemotherapyYesYesMedian OS = 12.3 month and median PFS = 6.9 monthA/w poor PFS & OS (no C/w RR)
Current study59IIIB–C/IV (59% stage IV), all sqCCChemotherapy (n = 52; 92%)YesYesMedian OS = 9.0 month and median PFS = 5.9 monthA/w poor PFS & OS (no C/w RR)

NSCLC: non-small cell lung cancer; cfDNA: cell free DNA; sqCC: squamous cell carcinoma; OS: overall survival; RR: radiological response; PFS: progression-free survival; C/w: correlation with; A/w: association with; n: patient number