An overview of main studies assessing liquid biopsy in OC

ReferenceYear N° pts ApplicationMethodTargetSensitivitySpecificity
Kamat et al. [30]2006 19DiagnosisReal-time PCRLevels of cfDNA87–91.5%85–87%
Capizzi et al. [33]2008 22DiagnosisReal-time PCRLevels of cfDNA77%96%
Shao et al. [32]2015 36DiagnosisbDNA techniqueLevels of cfDNA88.9%89.5%
Widschwendter et al. [46]2017 43DiagnosisBisulfite sequencingMethylation in 3 markers90.7%41.4%
Vanderstichele et al. [47]2017 57DiagnosisWGSCNA74%91%
Cohen et al. [50]2018 32DiagnosisCancerSEEKGenes panel & proteins70%99%
Pereira et al. [57]2015 22PrognosisddPCRLevels of cfDNA91%60%
Akbari et al. [61]2019 48PrognosisNGSLevels of ctDNANRNR
Paracchini et al. [59]2020 46PrognosissWGSCNANRNR
Minato et al. [58]2021 11PrognosisddPCRLevels of ctDNANRNR
Parkinson et al. [41]2016 40Therapy responseDigital PCRTP53 mutation71%88%
Kim et al. [39]2019 28Therapy responseddPCRTP53 mutationNRNR
Oikkonen et al. [65]2019 12Therapy responseNGSCNV and genes panelNRNR
Noguchi et al. [64]2020 10Therapy responseCAPP-seqCNVNRNR
Rusan et al. [66]2020 32Therapy responseddPCRHOXA9 methylationNRNR
Christie et al. [82]2017 30ResistanceNGSBRCA1/2 reversion60%100%
Weigelt et al. [83]2017 19ResistanceNGSBRCA1/2 reversionNRNR
Lin et al. [81]2019 112ResistanceNGSBRCA1/2 reversionNRNR
Hu et al. [84]2022 25ResistanceNGSGenes panelNRNR

N° pts: number of patients; bDNA: branched DNA; CAPP-seq: cancer personalized profile by deep sequencing; cfDNA: cell-free DNA; CNA: copy number alterations; CNV: copy number variations; ctDNA: circulating tumor DNA; PCR: polymerase chain reaction; ddPCR: droplet digital PCR; NGS: next-generation sequencing; sWGS: shallow whole genome sequencing; NR: not reported; HOXA9: homeobox A9; BRCA1/2: breast cancer gene 1 and 2