Population, tumor, and treatment characteristics of the MBC cohort of ULS Santa Maria

Demographic characteristicMean age (years)-39.4 (range 29–57)
Gender (female)-100% (n = 5)
BRCA mutations (%, n patients)BRCA1-20% (n = 1)
BRCA2-80% (n = 4)
Tumor characteristic (%, n patients)Histologic subtypeNST100% (n = 5)
Molecular subtypeLuminal B HER2-negative80% (n = 4)
TNBC20% (n = 1)
Differentiation grade260% (n = 3)
340% (n = 2)
StageII40% (n = 2)
IV60% (n = 3)
PARPi [80% (n = 4)]Olaparib20% (n = 1)
Talazoparib60% (n = 3)
Platinum-30% (n = 2)
Line of treatment (PARPi therapy; %, n patients)Second line-40% (n = 2)
Third line-20% (n = 1)
Fourth line-20% (n = 1)

HER2: human epidermal growth factor receptor 2; NST: no special type; PARPi: poly[adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-ribose] polymerase inhibitor; TNBC: triple negative breast cancer; BRCA: BReast CAncer gene; HER2: human epidermal growth factor receptor 2; -: no data