Recurrent molecular lesions in SMZL

LesionPrevalenceGenomic location, target genes, functions, and associationsReferences
Copy number alterations
del(7q)14–44%Under-expression of 18 genes and 8 miRNAs in the 7q32.1-32.2 MDR, rare mutations in the FLNC gene.[29, 4347]
dup(3q)15–34%Breakpoints typically span 3q26-q29, associated with gains in chromosome 12, common to several MZLs.[39, 44]
+128–25%+12 is associated with worse overall survival in univariate analysis, but no correlation with event-free survival.[43]
+188–23%Mutually exclusive in samples with a 3q gain.[39]
del(17p)8–24%TP53 gene. Faster clearance and elimination of rituximab.[39, 42]
del(13p)5–18%Same as MDR in CLL. del(13q) presented a slower rate of elimination of rituximab.[48]
del(14q)3–10%30–40% harbour translocations involving BCL3.[49, 50]
del(6q)8–24%No candidate genes were found in a small series of transformed SMZL.[51]
dup(8q)2–20%Associated with poor clinical outcomes if inclusive of the MYC gene locus.[52]
del(8p)4–15%Associates with poor outcomes. Amongst MZLs, is only common in SMZLs.[48]
Somatic mutations
NOTCH210–25%Crucial for MZ B-cells differentiation, associated with 7q deletions, KLF2 somatic mutations, and IGHV1-2*04 usage, an independent risk factor for TTFT (multivariate analysis).[29, 5359]
NOTCH1Approximately 5%Mutations cause NOTCH1 activation in several mature B-cell tumours.[6062]
SPENApproximately 5%Negative regulator of B lymphocyte differentiation into MZ B cells.[63]
TNFAIP37–15%Mutations resulted in a loss of NF-κB cascade inhibition in other NHLs.[64]
KLF212–42%Most frequent mutation in SMZL, KLF2 knockout murine B-cells have impaired migration and MZ differentiation, through NF-κB deregulation.[28, 29, 56, 59, 6568]
CARD11Approximately 5%Involved in the BCR and NF-κB signaling pathways.[54, 69]
TRAF3Approximately 8%TRAF3 inactivation leads to B-cell lymphomagenesis in mice, through a non-canonical NF-κB pathway.[70]
TP53Approximately 15%Key tumour-suppressor that promotes cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis. Often deleted. Associated with unfavourable overall survival.[29, 52, 71]
MYD885–15%A small proportion of MYD88 mutations in SMZL are L265P (6%). Role in MZ B-cell differentiation, and its absence leads to a deficiency in their availability. Promotion of B-cell proliferation and survival by activation of NF-κB.[7279]
KMT2D11–15%Frequent in all lymphoid tumours, mutants have delayed GC formation.[80, 81]
CREBBPApproximately 5%Mutations were found to be fully clonal and likely early initiating events, like that in FL. Frequent in DLBCL and FL. Regulates enhancer networks with a crucial role in GC/post-GC cell fate decisions.[53, 82, 83]

BCR: B-cell receptor; SMZL: splenic marginal zone lymphoma; MZLs: marginal zone lymphomas; MDR: minimally deleted region; CLL: chronic lymphocytic leukaemia; MZ: marginal zone; NF-κB: nuclear factor kappaB; GC: gastric cancer; FL: follicular lymphoma