Ongoing phase III clinical trials of perioperative immunotherapy with PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors in operable NSCLC

TrialStageTreatmentControlPrimary endpointPrimary Outcome
Neoadjuvant: CheckMate 816 [5]IB–IIIANivolumab + chemotherapy × 3 cyclesChemotherapyEFSEFS: 31.6 months vs. 20.8 months
Adjuvant: IMpower010 [2]IB (> 4 cm)–IIIAChemotherapy → atezolizumab 16 cyclesChemotherapy → observationDFSDFS: HR = 0.81 (0.67–0.99)
Keynote-091 [3]IB (> 4 cm)–IIIAChemotherapy (optional) → pembrolizumab 18 cycles Chemotherapy (optional) → placeboDFSmDFS: 53.6 months vs. 42 months [HR = 0.76, 95% CI: 0.63–0.91]
BR.31 (NCT02273375)IB (> 4 cm)–IIIAChemotherapy(optional) → durvalumab 12 monthsChemotherapy (optional) → placeboDFSN/A
ANVIL (NCT02595944)IB (> 4 cm)–IIIAChemotherapy(optional) → nivolumab 16 cyclesChemotherapy (optional) → observationDFS, OSN/A
MERMAID-1 (NCT04385368)II–IIIDurvalumab + SoC chemotherapyPlacebo + SoC chemotherapyDFSN/A
MERMAID-2 (NCT04642469)II–IIIDurvalumab 1 yearPlaceboDFSN/A
ALCHEMIST (NCT04267848)IB (> 4 cm)–IIIAChemotherapy → pembrolizumab 16 cycles; or chemotherapy + pembrolizumab 4 cycles → pembrolizumab 12 cyclesChemotherapy → observationDFS, OSN/A
Perioperative: KEYNOTE-671 [43]II–IIIANeoadjuvant Pembrolizumab + chemotherapy 4 cycles; adjuvant PembrolizumabNeoadjuvant chemotherapy; adjuvant placeboEFS, OSEFS at 24 months: 62.4% vs. 40.6% (HR = 0.58, 95% CI: 0.46–0.72);
OS at 24 months: 80.9% vs. 77.6% (P = 0.02)
CheckMate-77T [7]II–IIIBNeoadjuvant nivolumab + chemotherapy 4 cycles; adjuvant nivolumabNeoadjuvant chemotherapy; adjuvant placeboEFSEFS at 18 months: 70.2% vs. 50.0% (HR = 0.58, 97.36% CI: 0.42–0.91)
IMpower030 [44]II–IIIBNeoadjuvant Atezolizumab + chemotherapy 4 cycles; adjuvant atezolizumab 16 cyclesNeoadjuvant chemotherapy; adjuvant monitoringEFSN/A
AEGEAN [45]IIA–IIIBNeoadjuvant durvalumab + chemotherapy 4 cycles; adjuvant durvalumab 12 cyclesNeoadjuvant chemotherapy; adjuvant placeboEFS, PCREFS at 12 months: 73.4% vs. 64.5% (HR = 0.68, 95% CI: 0.53–0.88);
PCR: 17.2% vs. 4.3% (95% CI: 8.7 to 17.6)
RATIONALE-315 [46]II–IIIANeoadjuvant tislelizumab + chemotherapy 3–4 cycles; adjuvant tislelizumab up to 8 cyclesNeoadjuvant chemotherapy; adjuvant placeboEFSMedian EFS was not reached at 22 months for either arm; however, a statistically significant difference in EFS (HR = 0.56, 95% CI: 0.40–0.79)
JS001-029IIIANeoadjuvant toripalimab + chemotherapy 4 cycles; adjuvant toripalimab 13 cyclesNeoadjuvant chemotherapy; adjuvant placeboMPR, EFSN/A
NCT05157776IIIANeoadjuvant sintilimab + chemo 4 cyclesNeoadjuvant sintilimab + chemotherapy 2 cycles;
adjuvant: optional Sintilimab + chemotherapy 2 cycles

DFS: disease-free survival; EFS: event-free survival; MPR: major pathological response; OS: overall survival; PCR: pathologically complete response; N/A: not applicable; HR: hazard ratio; CI: confidence interval; OS: overall survival; PD-1: programmed death 1; PD-L1: programmed death-ligand 1; NSCLC: non-small cell lung cancer