Included studies: tumor marker-based assays

AuthorsYearStudy designParticipantsStudy outcomes associated with Gleason upgrading
Mehta et al. [40]2012Retrospective case-control281 cases of GS6 PCa on biopsy with subsequent prostatectomiesPSA, highest percentage cancer at a single biopsy site
Hong et al. [41]2009Retrospective case-control203 patients who underwent radical RRP for low-risk PCaPSA, number of positive cores
Pham et al. [43]2020Retrospective case-control377 patients with biopsy GS 3+4 who underwent robot-assisted laparoscopic RP from 2014 to 2018Age, PSA, PSA density (PSAD), PI-RADSv2 score 4–5
Maruyama et al. [44]2020Retrospective case-control403 patients who underwent RP between 2012 and 2018Increasing PSAD, increasing PI-RADSv2 score
Corcoran et al. [45]2012Retrospective case-control1,516 patients undergoing RP with matching biopsy informationPSAD
Visapää et al. [48]2010Retrospective case-control122 patients with biopsy GS 5 or 6 PCa and a tPSA < 10 ng/mL who underwent RPLow %fPSA
Kim et al. [50]2021Retrospective case-control300 patients with PSA  ≥  3 ng/mL, PHI and prostate biopsy (71 patients with RP included)PHI values ≥ 55 and PI-RADS lesions ≥ 4
Gokce et al. [53]2016Retrospective case-control210 low-risk PCa patients eligible for AS, but who underwent RPNeutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio ≥ 2.5
Ferro et al. [54]2019Retrospective case-control260 patients who underwent RP and were eligible for ASHigher Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte, higher platelet-to-lymphocyte, higher monocyte-to-lymphocyte
Pichon et al. [57]2015Retrospective case-control937 patients who were referred to the study center for RPSerum tesosterone < 3 ng/mL
Lai et al. [46]2017Retrospective case-control67 patients on AS who underwent multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging with MRI/ultrasound (US) fusion–guided biopsyPSAD, time to biopsy referral, MRI total lesion density, and higher MRI suspicion score score

PCa: prostate cancer; PSA: prostate-specific antigen; tPSA: total PSA; RRP: radical retropubic prostatectomy; PI-RADSv2: Prostate Imaging-Reporting and Data System version 2; %fPSA: percent free PSA; PHI: Prostate Health Index; AS: active surveillance; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging