Included studies: biopsy-specific factors

AuthorsYearStudy designParticipantsStudy outcomes associated with Gleason upgrading
Freedland et al. [21]2007Retrospective cohort1,113 patients treated with RP from 1996 to 2005 within the Shared Equal Access Regional Cancer Hospital (SEARCH) database who had undergone at least sextant biopsyGreater PSA, more biopsy cores with cancer, obesity, obtaining less than 8 biopsy cores
Seisen et al. [63]2015Retrospective case-control1,179 patients managed with RP for a biopsy GS ≤ 6, clinical stage ≤ T2b and preoperative PSA ≤ 20 ng/mL PCa were collectedLength of cancer per core > 5 mm, PSA level > 15 ng/mL, age > 70, number of biopsy cores > 12, and prostate weight > 50 g
San Francisco et al. [64]2003Retrospective case-control466 men diagnosed with localized PCa by needle biopsies who underwent radical retropubic prostatectomy between January 1, 1990 and July 31, 2001Lower number of biopsies
Ploussard et al. [65]2009Retrospective case-control411 men eligible for AS12-core biopsy strategy when compared to 21 core scheme
Numao et al. [66]2007Retrospective case-control143 consecutive men in whom PCa was diagnosed by the 3D26 biopsy and who underwent RP12 or 14 core biopsy when compared to 26 core
Fu et al. [69]2012Retrospective case-control1,632 consecutive men with low-risk PCa who underwent RP between 1993 and 2009Higher percent tumor involvement
Epstein et al. [18]2012Retrospective case-control7,643 totally embedded RP and corresponding needle biopsiesOlder age, decreasing RP weight, PSA, and increasing maximum percentage cancer/core
Vora et al. [20]2013Retrospective case-control959 patients with D’Amico low-risk PCa who underwent RPBMI, African American race, percent of core involved with cancer, increasing CAPRA score, and serum PSA
Yang et al. [27]2019Retrospective cohort10,089 patients in the NCDB diagnosed from 2010 to 2012 with Gleason 3+4 disease, prostate-specific antigen < 10 mg/mL, and cT1c-2a PCa with < 50% positive biopsy coresPSA, percentage PBC, age, cT2a versus cT1c, but not black race
Dinh et al. [28]2015Retrospective cohort10,273 patients in the SEER database diagnosed with clinically low risk disease (cT1c/T2a, PSA less than 10 ng/mL, Gleason 3+3=6) in 2010 to 2011 and treated with prostatectomyAge, PSA, percent positive cores but not race
Hong et al. [41]2009Retrospective case-control203 patients who underwent radical prosatectomy for low-risk PCaPSA, number of positive cores
Truong et al. [70]2013Retrospective case-control431 patients with Gleason 6 PCa upon biopsy who underwent RPHigher PSAD, obesity, number of positive cores, and maximum core involvement
Sarici et al. [71]2014Retrospective case-control321 patients who underwent RP for clinically localized PCa at 2 major centers between January 2007 and March 2013Lower prostate volume, maximum % of cancer in any core, and > 1 core positive for cancer
Athanazio et al. [72]2017Retrospective case-control2,529 patients who underwent biopsy and prostatectomy in our institution from 2005 to 2014Age ≥ 60 years, PSAD ≥ 0.2, ≥ 2 positive cores, ≥ 5% core tissue involvement
Evans et al. [73]2016Retrospective cohort5,339 cases of RP notified to the Prostate Cancer Outcomes Registry, Victoria, Australia over 6 years (2009–2014) from 46 hospitalsLong interval between biopsy and RP, higher percentage positive biopsy cores
Zhang et al. [74]2021Restropective case-control637 patients who underwent prostate biopsy and RP in our hospital from January 2014 to January 2021Clinical stage ≥ T2c, the number of positive cores ≥ 3, and positive rate of biopsy

RP: radical prostatectomy; PCa: prostate cancer; PSA: prostate-specific antigen; NCDB: National Cancer Database; CAPRA: Cancer of Prostate Risk Assessment; SEER: Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results; PBC: positive biopsy core