Methods of viral mimicry for the treatment of BC

Drug categoriesDrug namesMethods for assessing the effects of drugs [Reference]
DNA methyltransferase inhibitors*5-aza-2-deoxycytidine, guadecitabineHuman BC stem cells [27]
GuadecitabineExperiments on mice, clinical trials [28, 29]
DecitabineHuman BC cell line and experiments on mice [31]
CC-486 + durvalumab (immune checkpoint inhibitor)Clinical trials (phase II) [32]
Bifunctional DNA methyltransferase and histone deacetylase inhibitors*J208TNBC cell line [33]
Histone deacetylase inhibitors*Depsipeptide, trichostatin ABC cell line [34, 35]
Didemnin B (cyclic depsipeptide)Clinical trials (phase II) [36]
15aHuman BC cell line [37]
12a-cTNBC cell line [38]
VorinostatBasal-like BC cell line [39]
Clinical trials (phase IB) [40]
EntinostatClinical trials (phase II [41], phase III [42])
PanobinostatTNBC cell line [49]
Histone methyltransferase inhibitors*EPZ004777Antiestrogen-resistant BC cells [43]
EPZ-5676TNBC stem cells [44]
Tazemetostat, GSK126, U3iTNBC cell line [45]