Median PFS according to KRAS and TP53

KRAS and TP53 molecular profileNEventsPFS median0.95LCL0.95UCL
KRAS-wt; TP53-wt20203.31.810.9
KRAS-m; TP53-wt31273.72.314.0
KRAS-wt; TP53-m33254.12.214.1
KRAS-m; TP53-m23213.01.917.2

KRAS: Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog; TP53: tumor protein p53; N: number of patients; KRAS-wt: KRAS wild type; KRAS-m: KRAS mutated; TP53-wt: TP53 wild type; TP53-m: TP53 mutated; PFS: progression free survival; LCL: lower control limit; UCL: upper control limit