Overview of studies included in the systematic review for HN primaries

Author, yearStudy typePrimaryPatientsSRTSystemic therapyNon-target responseCriteria
Aldakhil and Mathieu [40], 2022Case reportMeningioma70*, F12 Gy to the R petroclival portion of meningiomaNone. Refused surgery and WBCR of also the portion not included in the target, maintained at 52 months FUPNo systemic treatment, response outside RT field
Choi et al. [41], 2020Case seriesHN67*, M45 Gy/5 fx to R submandibular and level III N (adj RT 2 yrs before)Previous 6 cycles of phase II study of atezolizumab and cobimetinib, other 2 cycles after SBRT and 6 more cycles of consolidative atezolizumabCR of a L adrenal gland metastasis after 2 cycles of atezolizumab and cobimetinib, progression free at 13 months FUPResponse after addition of RT > IT alone
69*, M21 Gy/3 fx to axillar N (previous exclusive RT-CHT)Previous CHT, pembrolizumab, cetuximab, panitumumab, concomitant pembrolizumab againMetabolic CR on primary and bilateral N, absence of PD 20 months after combined SBRT-IT
McBride et al. [42], 2021Prospective monocentricHN0/32 (0%)27 Gy/3 fx SBRTNivolumabNoneResponse after addition of RT > IT alone
Lin et al. [43], 2022Retrospective monocentreHN0/3 (0%)25–36 Gy/5–6 fx to various targetNivolumab, previous failure with CHTNoneResponse outside RT field
Endo et al. [44], 2023Case reportHN72*, M48 Gy/4 fx to a paramediastinal mtxsNeoadjuvant and adjuvant nivolumab (stoppage during RT)PR after 2 months and CR after 7 months of a smaller lung mtx. No PD at 18-month FUP continuing ITPD under IT
Ito et al. [45], 2024Prospective multicentricHN4/10 (40%) (1 HN)25 Gy/5 fx to NNivolumabSignificantly better 1-year PFS rate group (P = 0.008) in the AE group≥ 30% decrease of ≥ 1 non-irradiated mtxs before the next line of therapy

* Age at time of SRT. R: right; fx: fraction(s); RT: radiation treatment; yrs: years; CHT: chemotherapy; SBRT: stereotactic body radiotherapy; CR: complete response; FUP: follow-up; L: left; PD: progression disease; PR: partial response; mtx: metastasis; mtxs: metastases; AE: abscopal effect; IT: immunotherapy; SRT: stereotactic radiation techniques; HN: head and neck; F: female; M: male; N: node/nodal; PFS: progression free survival; adj: adjuvant; WB: whole brain