Overview of studies included in the systematic review for genito-urinary primaries

Author, yearStudy typePrimaryPatientSRTSystemic therapyNon-target responseCriteria
Ishiyama et al. [65], 2012Case reportRCC61*, M18 Gy SRS and 40 Gy/8 fx SBRT to spinal metastasesNonePR on all mtxs treated at 2 months FUP, and in non-target other spine metastases; brain PDResponse outside RT field limited by blood-brain barrier
Xie et al. [66], 2017Case reportRCC54*, M32 Gy/4 fx to a paraortic N massPrevious sunitinib, concomitant pembrolizumabCR of all multiple mtxs 2.2 months afterResponse outside RT field
Laplant et al. [67], 2017Case reportRCC24*, M18–27 Gy/3 fx dose-painting SBRT on sacral mass3 previous therapeutic lines. Concomitant dual checkpoint blockade (nivolumab and ipilimumab) started 2 weeks before RT, only nivolumab continued after and then stoppedAfter 1 month, PR on pelvic mass and PR of multiple lung and N mtxs. Progression-free 12 months afterTemporal
Dengina et al. [68], 2019Prospective multicenticRCC1 out of 17 (6%)50 Gy/5 fx lung SBRTPrevious pazopanib and sorafenib, then everolimus with SD for 2.5 yearsPR in all visible mtxs in the lungs and mediastinum, up to 50%Response outside RT field
Margulis et al. [69], 2021Prospective monocentricRCC1 out of 6 (17%)Neoadj lung SBRTNRCR to lung treated metastasis (SBRT plus surgery) and also to non-treated multiple other lung metastases, with no PD at 36 months FUPNo concomitant systemic treatment
Zhang et al. [70], 2021Case reportRCC40*, F30 Gy/6 fx SBRT for retroperitoneal N
2nd course 30 Gy/5 fx SBRT for pelvic mass under PD
Previous sunitinib ×20, concomitant pembrolizumab plus axitinibPR on all metastases 2 months after each SBRT. PD at 7 months FUP after the second SBRT for tumor PD and multiple organs failurePD under IT
Feinaj et al. [71], 2024Case reportRCC65*, M-Multiple lines of CHT and IT. Concomitant pembrolizumab plus lenvatinibCR at 2 months of multiple skin. Lung, N sitesResponse outside RT field
Kono et al. [72], 2023Case reportBladder60*, F52 Gy/8 fx lung SBRTPrevious TURB twice, BCG twice, CHT gemcitabine and cicplatin ×2, neoadj and concomitant pembrolizumab2 months after, CR of the BMs for which SRS was plannedResponse outside RT field
Higa et al. [73], 2020Retrospective monocentricProstate0 out 10 (0%)NRPembrolizumabNoneResponse outside RT field

* Age at time of SRT. SRS: stereotactic radiosurgery; fx: fraction(s); SBRT: stereotactic body radiotherapy; PD: progression disease; NR: not reported; RT: radiation treatment; SD: stable disease; CHT: chemotherapy; IT: immunotherapy; PR: partial response; mtxs: metastases; FUP: follow-up; CR: complete response; RCC: renal cell carcinoma; F: female; M: male; N: node/nodal; SRT: stereotactic radiation techniques; TURB: trans urethral resection of bladder; BCG: Bacillus Calmette-Guerin; neoadj: neoadjuvant