Human studies on predictive biomarkers in pancreatic cancer

BiomarkersTargetAgentPhase (number and characteristics of patients)OutcomesRef.
KRASKRAS G12C mutationAMG-510 (sotorasib)I/II (38 patients with at least a previous therapy)ORR: 21%, mPFS: 4 months, mOS: 6.9 months[31]
MRTX849 (adagrasib)I/II (21 patients with at least a previous therapy)ORR: 33.3%, mPFS: 5.4 months, mOS: 8 months[32]
BRCABRCA1/2 germline mutationOlaparibIII placebo-controlled (154 patients, as maintenance therapy with stable or responding disease after 4 months of platinum)mPFS: 7.4 months vs. 3.8 months (HR: 0.53), mOS: 19 months vs. 19.2 months (HR: 0.83)[18]
BRCA1/2 and PALB2 germline and somatic mutationRucaparibII single-arm (42 patients, as maintenance therapy with stable or responding disease after 4 months of platinum)ORR: 41.6%, mPFS: 13.1 months, mOS: 23.5 months[19]
MMR genesMSI-highPembrolizumabII single-arm (22 patients, after progression on standard therapies)ORR: 18.2%, mPFS: 2.1 months, mOS: 4 months[60]

MMR: mismatch repair; MSI-high: microsatellite instability high; mOS: median overall survival; ORR: objective response rate; Ref.: references; nc: not calculated; HR: hazard ratio; mPFS: median progression-free survival