Adverse events reported in clinical trials using PAMP-based adjuvants

AdjuvantCompositionVaccinesAdverse events
AS01MPL and saponinSUIVs—influenza (NCT03275389) [67]Injection site pain, fatigue, headache, myalgia
RSVPreF3—respiratory syncytial virus (NCT03814590) [68]Injection site pain, fatigue, headache
RTS,S/AS01—Malaria (NCT00866619) [69]Fever, irritability, drowsiness, loss of appetite
M72/AS01—tuberculosis (NCT01755598) [70]Injection-site pain and influenza-like symptoms
AS04MPL and alumCervarix®—papillomavirus (approved vaccine) [71]Injection site pain, redness and swelling, fatigue, gastrointestinal symptoms, headache
Fendrix®—hepatitis B (approved vaccine) [72]Injection site pain, fatigue, headache, fever
CpG 1018CpG oligodeoxynucleotidesHEPLISAV-B®—hepatitis B (approved vaccine) [73]Injection site pain, headache, fatigue
Alum/OMVsAlum and OMVs from N. meningitidisSoberana 01—COVID-19 (RPCEC00000338) [65]Injection site pain and redness

SUIV: supra-seasonal universal influenza vaccines