Suspicious cases of coexistent LA and ant-FV antibodies [5]

No.Age (years)GenderUnderlying conditionsFV:C (%)FV-inhibitor (BU/mL)SymptomsLARemarksReference
VS-192FHT, HF, Af, PE, erysipelas, leg infection, and antibiotics1496Extensive hematomasdRVVT: IMNoneHoffmann et al. [53]
VS-287MDM< 1415Recurrent bleeding from the hemodyalysis puncture sitedRVVT: IMNoneOgawa et al. [54]
VS-370MUnknown12.4NRSubcutaneous hemorrhage and right thigh hematomadRVVT: IMPositive for aCLKato et al. [55]

Normal range: FV:C < 60% and anti-FV inhibitor < 1 BU/mL. FV:C: FV activity; HF: heart failure; Af: atrial fibrillation; IM: immeasurable (not clotting); NR: not reported; PE: pulmonary embolism