Cases of coexistent LA and autoantibodies to FVIII [6]

No.Age (years)GenderUnderlying conditionsFVIII:C (%)FVIII-inhibitor (BU/mL)LAClinical presentationRemarksReference
VIII-170MRA< 1500dRVVTBleed postliver biopsyNoneBallard and Nyamuswa [61]
VIII-292F Pemphygoid232Staclot LA/PNPEcchymosisNoneBiron et al. [62]
VIII-363F EV virus reactivation6123KCTBleeding mouthNoneGrossmann et al. [63]
VIII-462F CLL048dRVVTDVT and PEpositive for aCLGhirarduzzi et al. [64]
VIII-538F Postpartum< 116KCTDVT → ecchymoses*NoneSaxena et al. [65]
VIII-668MNone< 1320KCTHematomaNoneSaxena et al. [65]
VIII-760F None< 180KCTHematomasNoneSaxena et al. [65]
VIII-864F Non-Hodgikin lymphoma12 9Staclot LA/PNPDVT and PEPositive for aCLLiozon et al. [66]
VIII-964F None< 164dRVVTDVT → hematoma*NoneBrings et al. [67]
VIII-1030F Postabortion56Staclot LA/PNPHematomaNoneWullen et al. [68]
VIII-1130MMonoclonal gammapathy2052dRVVTHematomaNoneTaher et al. [69]
VIII-1259MNone< 170.4dRVVTHematomaNoneDreisbach et al. [70]
VIII-1337F Postpartum235dRVVTDVT → hematoma*NoneSpencer et al. [71]
VIII-1460FSLE/RA< 11dRVVTEcchymosisNoneSeethala et al. [72]
VIII-1569FHT48dRVVTEcchymosis and gingival bleedingNoneGupta et al. [73]
VIII-1650FNone52.1dRVVT/SCTIncidental (asymptomatic)NoneJacobs et al. [6]

Normal range: FVIII:C < 60% and anti-FVIII inhibitor < 1 BU/mL. *: the clinical presentation was initially thrombosis (DVT), but later changed to hemorrhagic manifestations. FVIII:C: FVIII activity; KCT: kaolin clotting time; CLL: chronic lymphocytic leukemia; EV: enterovirus