Main laboratory exploration methods for autoantibodies associated with hemostasis disorders

Laboratory testingAssay principleMeasurement type
Functional assaysInhibition of activityMeasurement of factor activity; mixing studies.
Titration of inhibitor titer (Bethesda method)Incubation of a normal sample with serial dilutions of patient sample and testing residual activityDilution inhibiting 50% of activity (corresponds to 1 unit)
Flow cytometryDetection of circulating autoantibodies through their binding to Plt or blood cell GPsDetection of bound antibodies to specific GPs
ELISAAutoantigen capture-based assaysDetection of autoantibody by ELISA
MAIPAImmunocapture of Plt GP and reactive autoantibodiesIdentification of specific anti-GP autoantibodies
Coombs test Detection of cell-bound antibodiesDetection of global anti-cell autoantibodies