Demographic and clinical characteristics of NSCLC patients

Demographic and clinical dataNumber and percentage (%)
Total of patients18 (100%)
Male12 (66.7%)
Female6 (33.3%)
Histologic subtype
Adenocarcinoma11 (61.1%)
Squamous cell carcinoma4 (22.2%)
NSCLC3 (16.7%)
ECOG status
ECOG status 05 (27.8%)
ECOG status 111 (61.1%)
ECOG status 22 (11.1%)
Response to first-line treatment
Complete response2 (11.1%)
Partial response4 (22.2%)
Stable disease11 (61.1%)
Progressive disease1 (5.6%)

The proportion of patients in each category indicated was calculated from the total absolute number of patients in this study. ECOG: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; NSCLC: non-small cell lung cancer

Note. Adapted from “Thymic Polypeptide Fraction Biomodulina T Decreases Exhausted and Terminally Differentiated EMRA T Cells in Advanced Lung Cancer Patients Treated With Platinum-Based Chemotherapy” by Suárez GM, Catalá M, Peña Y, Portela S, Añé-Kourí AL, González A, et al. Front Oncol. 2022;12:823287 ( CC BY.