Clinical application of various therapies to treat diabetic ulcers

TypeSerial numberClinical stageNotes
Addressing therapyNCT04098562Phase 2Antibacterial peptide LL-37
NCT01143714Phase 4Collagenase
NCT00316537Phase 1/2ATG002 is an agonist of the nicotinic acetylcholine (nACh) receptor pathway (pro-angiogenic drug)
CytotherapyNCT06231771Phase 1/2Allogeneic mesenchymal stromal cells
NCT04104451Phase 1Umbilical cord endometrial MSCs
Cytokine therapyNCT01830348Phase 3A peptide analogue of angiotensin II
NCT06020664Phase 1Small molecule drugs
NCT04323462Phase 4Insulin analog
NCT06383013Phase 2Recombinant cytokines

MSCs: mesenchymal stem cells