List of necessary primary antibodies, reagents, instruments and software

ResourceCompanyCloneConcentrationCatalogue number
Pan-γδSanta Cruz
H-410.1 mg/mLSc-100289
Granzyme BCell SignalingD6E9W6 μg/mL#46890
BTN2A1Atlas AntibodiesPolyclonal50 μg/mLHPA019208
BTN3A1Antibodies Online4E1B90.1 mg/mLABIN5684130
PanCKAbcamAE1/AE380 μg/mLAb27988
Melanoma Cocktail2AbcamHMB45 + M2-7C10 + M2-9E3n.d.Ab732
Manual Opal™ 7-Color IHC Kit3Akoya BiosciencesNEL811001KT
VECTASHIELD Vibrance™Abacus dxVEH170010
Vectra® 3 AutomatedAkoya Biosciences
Quantitative Pathology Imaging System
inForm® Tissue Analysis SoftwareAkoya Biosciences
HALO® Image Analysis PlatformIndica Labs

not determined (supplied as cell culture supernatant);

this cocktail includes HMB45 and MART-1;

includes antigen retrieval (AR) buffer at pH6 (AR6 buffer), AR9 buffer, antibody diluent and blocking buffer formulation (Blocking/Antibody Diluent), Opal™ Polymer horseradish peroxidase (HRP) mouse and rabbit (reacts specifically with primary antibodies raised in mouse and rabbit), Opal™ signal amplification diluent (1× Plus Amplification Diluent), 6 reactive Opal™ fluorophores (Opal™ 520, 540, 570, 620, 650 and 690), and spectral DAPI