Demographic data as well as cognitive function level (SDMT), motor function level (percentage of participants with impaired postural control, maximum walking speed) and disease severity (EDSS) in comparison between healthy controls (HC) and people with multiple sclerosis (pwMS)

CharacteristicsHCpwMSTest value* (P)
Age (median, min–max)36 (22–80)46 (21–64)1,565 3 (0.004)
Sex (F; M)22; 1852; 580.027 2 (0.870)
Years since diagnosis (median, min–max)na5 (0–26)na
EDSS (median, min–max)na2.5 (0–6.5)na
SDMT: correct answers in 90 s (mean, min–max)62 (35–83)56 (20–91)2.93 1 (0.004)
Percentage of participants with postural stability deviation from 95% of the norm (number, % of the total group)1 (2 %)47 (42 %)44.1 2 (< 0.0001)
SMSW in m/s (median, min–max)1.68 (1.19–2.21)1.53 (0.68–2.07)1,381 3 (< 0.0001)

* Statistical tests for group comparison: 1 unpaired t-test (t-value), 2 chi-square test (chi2-value), 3 Mann-Whitney U test (Mann-Whitney U value). EDSS: expanded disability status scale; SDMT: single digits modalities test; na: not applicable