The results of Spearman’s rank correlations between changes in motor and cognitive performance expressed as ratios (see Figure 1) with disease severity (EDSS), motor (maximum walking speed, MSV3D in EC condition), and cognitive (SDMT) functional levels. The correlation coefficient rho and the P-value are provided. Significant results are highlighted using asterisks: P of 0.05–0.001 (*) and P < 0.001 (**)

RatiosCorrelation coefficient (rho) and P value (P)EDSSSMSWMSV3D ECSDMT
Ratios in pwMS
Romberg ratio STRho0.0030.0560.526**0.018
P0.9780.564< 0.00010.848
Motor DT ratio EORho–0.1140.021–0.0890.147
Romberg ratio DTRho–0.0050.212*0.1340.067
Motor DT ratio ECRho–0.140.186–0.338**0.237*
P0.140.051< 0.00010.012
Cognitive DT ratioRho0.139–0.0180.226*–0.214*
Ratios in HC
Romberg ratio STRho0.0980.737**0.068
P0.537< 0.0010.667
Motor DT ratio EORho–0.13–0.147–0.055
Romberg ratio DTRho0.0490.2030.037
Motor DT ratio ECRho–0.027–0.496*–0.177
Cognitive DT ratioRho0.0370.083–0.197

DT: dual task; EC: eyes closed; EDSS: expanded disability status scale; EO: eyes open; HC: healthy controls; MSV3D: Mean angular Sway Velocity in 3D; pwMS: persons with multiple sclerosis; SDMT: single digits modalities test; SMSW: short distance maximum walking speed in m/s; ST: single-task