Explorative comparison between subgroups with a motor DT ratio EO of less or greater than 2. Comparison of demographic data, cognitive and motor functional levels as well as comparison of the relative performance changes in motor and cognitive tasks between the conditions of DT posturography

Motor DT ratio EOMotor DT ratio EO
< 2 (n = 81)> 2 (n = 32)< 2 (n = 31)> 2 (n = 11)
Cognitive and motor functional levels
AgeMedian (min–max)49 (21–64)40 (24–64)41 (22–80)32 (23–67)
Test value 1 (P)945.5 (0.064)*109.5 (0.102)*
SDMTMean (min–max)55 (20–91)60 (30–87)62 (35–83)62 (52–76)
Test value 2 (P)–1.725 (0.089)*–0.077 (0.939)
SMSW in m/smedian (min–max)1.54 (0.68–2.07)1.53 (0.80–1.92)1.68 (1.23–2.21)1.72 (1.19–1.98)
Test value 1 (P)1,230.0 (0.906)169.0 (0.978)
Relative performance changes in motor and cognitive tasks
Romberg ratio STMedian (min–max)1.64 (0.63–3.65)2.12 (0.97–5.91)1.44 (0.71–2.26)1.31 (0.92–1.96)
Test value 1 (P)929.0 (0.019)*137.0 (0.350)*
Romberg ratio DTMedian (min–max)1.18 (0.45–2.95)0.72 (0.13–1.51)1.31 (0.49–2.50)0.57 (0.32–1.48)
Test value 1 (P)508.0 (< 0.0001)*49.0 (< 0.0001)*
Motor DT ratio ECMedian (min–max)0.88 (0.39–1.97)1.15 (0.47–6.07)0.96 (0.31–2.23)1.59 (0.56–4.04)
Test value 1 (P)617.0 (< 0.0001)*67.0 (0.002)*
Cognitive DT ratioMedian (min–max)1.10 (0.50–2.75)1.06 (0.71–1.83)1.15 (0.63–1.83)1.33 (0.69–2.25)
Test value 1 (P)1,245.0 (0.747)128.0 (0.233)

* Graphical representation in Figure S2; 1 Mann-Whitney U test (Mann-Whitney U value); 2 unpaired t-test (t-value). DT: dual task; EC: eyes closed; EO: eyes open; HC: healthy controls; pwMS: persons with multiple sclerosis; SDMT: single digits modalities test; SMSW: short distance maximum walking speed in m/s; ST: single-task