MAO-B inhibitors used to treat PD-related symptoms

SymptomsAuthors & yearResultsMAO inhibitorsReference
Motor symptoms
Monotherapy in early PDMizuno et al., (2017)The study showed improvements in UPDRS scores.Selegiline[26]
Supplementary treatment for severe PDZhang et al., (2018)According to the study, there was a reduction in the average amount of time per day that individuals with PD experienced “OFF” periods.Rasagiline[31]
Non-motor symptoms
Sleep discomfortGallazzi et al., (2021)The study demonstrated a noteworthy enhancement in drowsiness.Selegiline[33]
Fatigue symptomsLim et al., (2015)According to the study, there was a significant improvement in the scores of the Modified Fatigue Impact Scale.Rasagiline[35]

MAO-B: monoamine oxidase-B; PD: Parkinson’s disease; UPDRS: Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale