Treatments and features

TreatmentBenefitsNegative consequences
SurgeryRemoval of a brain metastasis, immediate elimination of life-threatening or symptom-generating mass effects and elimination of the source of perifocal edema, a survival benefitSurgery risk and problems, surgical technique for detecting distinct tumor size, location
WBRTImproved survivalHair loss, fatigue, headache, skin erythema, and serous otitis media
SRSImproved survivalNausea, vomiting, fatigue
ChemotherapyLive longer, reducing cancer symptomsFatigue, hair loss, loss of appetite, nausea, skin and nail problems bowel issues such as constipation or diarrhea, mouth sores
Targeting responsible molecular mechanismsMinimizing the impact of side effects, live longer, reducing cancer symptoms, improves a patient’s response to treatmentInterventions with normal functions
Nano drugMinimizing the impact of side effects, improves a patient’s response to treatment, passing through the BBB more effectivelyDesigning