Evidence of possible enteric glial dysfunction associated with MDD

Source of evidenceFindings
Animal models of environmental adversityIncreased expression of GDNF, TLR-4, inflammatory mediators in enteric glia;
Associated reduction in neuronal dendritic spines and mucosal inflammation.
IBS-animal modelsIncreased overlap between enteric glia and neurons;
Reduced S100B positivity;
Reductions in neuronal subpopulations.
IBS-human studiesReduced enteric glial S100B immunoreactivity in IBS with comorbid MDD;
Increased P2Y12R expression in enteric glia in women with clopidogrel-induced IBS and associated psychogenic pain.
IBD-animal modelsEnteric glial ablation or damage associated with small bowel inflammation;
Mice with experimentally induced depression sensitive to colonic inflammation after vagotomy;
Reversible with tricyclic antidepressant.
IBD-human studiesElevated intestinal inflammatory markers associated with depressive symptoms in IBD with prior MDD;
Impaired enteric glial functioning in biopsies;
Linked to mucosal barrier impairment similar to that seen in MDD.
CIC-animal modelsDrug-induced chronic constipation associated with altered protein expression and inflammatory mediator release by enteric glia;
Associated with depressive-like behaviors.
CIC-human studiesReduced numbers of S100B-positive enteric glia;
Chromosomal anomalies in enteric glia;
Increased proximity between enteric glia and degranulated mast cells.
PD-animal modelsIncreased glial cell density;
Reduced positivity for GFAP and S100B;
Increased release of inflammatory mediators;
Associated with gut dysmotility, mucosal barrier impairment, and PD symptoms;
Glial changes exacerbated by exposure to stress.
PD-human studiesElevated levels and hypo-phosphorylation of GFAP in enteric glia;
Reactive gliosis;
Reduced serum GDNF;
Associated with constipation is linked to depression in PD.
Effects of VNSIncreased GFAP expression by enteric glia;
Associated with mucosal barrier integrity in a mouse model.
MDDElevated serum S100B in adult patients with MDD;
Reduced S100B in adolescents with MDD and after antidepressant treatment;
Reduced serum GFAP in drug-naïve patients with MDD.