Demographic characteristics of study subjects

CharacteristicsNumber (percentage)
Total study subjects, n151
Mixed pain diagnosis (excluded), n17
Number of female subjects, n (%)94 (62.3%)
Mean age, years (range)58.5 (26−90)
Most common causes of NeP, n = 93
Trigeminal neuralgia48 (51.6%)
Peripheral neuropathy (including diabetes)14 (15.0%)
Central pain11 (11.8%)
Post-herpetic neuralgia10 (10.8%)
Others10 (10.8%)
Most common causes of NoP, n = 41
Musculoskeletal pain19 (46.3%)
Arthritis17 (41.5%)
Others5 (12.2%)
Pain diagnosisNePNoP
Subjects, n (%)93 (61.6%)41 (27.1%)
Female subjects, n (%)52 (55.9%)30 (73.2%)
Mean age, years61.853.9
Mean current pain, VAS/NRS score ± SD (range)4.75 ± 2.96 (0–10)4.54 ± 2.71 (0–9)

NeP: neuropathic pain; NoP: nociceptive pain; NRS: numeric rating scale; SD: standard deviation; VAS: visual analogue scale