Focus group data: desired features in the MommaConnect digital health platform

Focus group question promptsDesired features
What do you think of the content? Is MommaConnect content culturally relevant to you?Needs more culturally congruent content.
How can the design of MommaConnect help support you in your relationships with family?Needs the capability of storing information from therapy sessions (e.g., skills discussed in sessions, and assigned homework).
How do you think it can help you with PPD?Needs mechanisms to track symptoms and progress in therapy. Needs ways to address mental health stigma within the digital healthcare platform.
What do you think of the design of MommaConnect? What do you like/dislike about the wireframes?Needs functionality to schedule appointments and contact the provider between sessions, contact information for emergent needs, and forums to chat with other mothers experiencing PPD.
How do you think MommaConnect can help you handle challenges with taking care of your baby?Needs psychoeducation content about PPD and infant development.

PPD: postpartum depression