Effects of epilepsy on supportive relationships over time (Waves 2, 4, and 5)

Wave 2 n Mean (SD)Wave 4 n Mean (SD)Wave 5 n Mean (SD)
Partner n = 37 2.64 (3.72)Family n = 44 2.50 (3.38)Family n = 39 1.88 (2.74)
Family n = 50 2.90 (3.48)Friends n = 44 2.88 (3.56)Friends n = 39 2.31 (3.43)
Friends n = 49 3.32 (3.48)Partner n = 23 2.90 (3.38)Partner n = 21 2.54 (3.48)
Total n = 37 30.62 (33.38)Total n = 23 26.63 (32.48)Total n = 21 19.05 (28.79)

SD: standard deviation. The total is those who had all three, that is family, friends, and partner. High mean score means greater effect of epilepsy on relationships. Supportive relationships 0–10; scale totals 0–100