Overview of several genes related in the Wnt signaling pathway associated with diseases marked by bone overgrowth

Protein activityGeneChrProtein function in Wnt signalingDisease (manifestation)References
Transmembrane co-receptorsLRP511Co-receptor that works with frizzled protein in the membraneEndosteal hyperostosis (Worth disease; OMIM#144750) and steosclerosis (high bone mass)[75, 102]
LRP411Related to LRP5/6 in modulation of Wnt/β-catenin pathway. Bind to SOSTDC1, also known as WISE, a family of Wnt antagonists [103] Sclerosteosis type 2 (OMIM#614305)[97]
InhibitorsDKK110Inhibitor of Wnt signaling pathway

DISH (OMIM#106400), OPLL (OMIM%602475), AS (OMIM#106300), and OYL

(low levels of DKK1 in humans)

SOST17SOST by osteocytes is responsible for inhibiting bone formationSclerosteosis type 1 (OMIM#269500), Van Buchem disease (OMIM#239100), and Craniodiaphyseal dysplasia (OMIM#122860; high bone mass)[94, 96, 105]
SFRP47Secreted protein which binds to Wnt ligands and inhibits Wnt signalingPyle’s disease (OMIM#265900)[106108]
WTX/AMER1XEncodes an intracellular repressor of canonical Wnt signalingOsteopathia striata (OMIM#300373; high bone mass)[91]

Chr: chromosome; SOSTDC1: SOST domain-containing protein 1; DISH: diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis; OPLL: ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament; AS: ankylosing spondylitis; OYL: ossification of yellow ligament